Friday, January 9, 2015

This is me...

I've never been the type of person to walk in the shadows and feel depressed all the time. I'm also not the type of person who feels the need to tower over others and make someone feel like half the person they really are. I'm that girl who is fearless of the world, and that scares me! I love a good challenge. I see it as a stepping stone, an opportunity to make something beautiful out of a mistake or tragedy. The logical side of me tells me that my goals are impossible but the stubborn side of me insures that I never stop trying. I have always wanted to be an inspiration to someone. Who knows, maybe it will be the next person I talk to.


  1. So what are your goals? Nothing is impossible. Tenacity and persistence are excellent virtues.

  2. I'll be your biggest fan! Go get 'em tiger!
