Monday, January 12, 2015

The real world:

Remember those times in kindergarten when nothing mattered except juice boxes and nap time? Yeah, the real world isn't like that. Granted I am still half a year away from high school so I'm not too experienced with the "real world" although I hear lots of great things about... (not!) Apparently there are these crazy things called jobs and taxes, but what if I don't want to get a job or pay my taxes? Oh wait, reality just informed that I do, so I have no further questions! My, soon to be, class of 2019 is getting close to that time when they need to support themselves and move on with their lives. Now, for some of us, that's going to be very easy! I mean, who's not ready to walk out the door and become free, right? I know it seems awesome to be out on your own but I'm sure you'll get to the point when you hate the real world and you're  ready to move back in with mom and dad. I'm, personally not scared of the world, the world should be scared of me!! (that was a joke) But seriously, as long as you have plenty to offer and you show effort at achieving your goals you'll be just fine! Beware of those speed bumps along the way though, one mistake and you could crash and burn. I guess it's  your decision to ether get back on the road and keep chugging along, or lay there and feel sorry for your self.

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