Wednesday, September 16, 2015

I never thought I would ever get to my breaking point but the truth is I am. I hate high school and when I say hate I mean the utter thought of even waking up to go to some stupid place full of stupid people just to be bossed around infuriates me!!! Over the summer I had that great feeling of "wow everyone loves me" and although I see how that sounds self centered, I didn't care! I felt like I was on top of the world and nobody could knock me off my high horse because I thought I was just the person everyone loved to be around. False. I'm lucky to have three people who even tolerate me. And while I go through this withdraw, I feel like nobody cares. The one person I look forward to talking to at night isn't acting like himself and that's worrying me. Although he says he isn't mad at me I can tell something's wrong, like I'm just annoying or something. Everything in my life seems to be going good and then suddenly I start thinking, which is never good! I just wish I had normal family, more friends, a better relationship with Hunter!!!!!
But at the same time I look at all of this and realize how conceded I really am and how demanding I am. That is the real reason I am unhappy.