Sunday, June 14, 2015

Im still here

I know its been a while since I have posted a blog, I honestly had no idea what to write about. Life is pretty good right now. I'm on summer vacation, my parents finally heard back from our realtors and we got our very first house, I'm happier than ever with my friends! Not to mention my significant other... yes I said it! I'm considering him my significant other, although nothing is going on right now we are just very very very good friends. In fact we went to Disney World a few weeks ago and I got to meet his family! They're super nice and hilarious to be around.
Were hoping to move into our new house by the beginning of July. I'm super excited about finally being able to customize our home the way we want it. Perhaps we will get a dog?! Plus, I'm hearing word about maybe a hot tub :) maybe I can finally have friends over without feeling embarrassed about where I live.
I can now say that I have never been more scared in my life! High school starts in about two months. That's right, I'm a freshman. I never thought this day would ever come, I never thought I would ever be able to call myself a high-schooler. I'm already applying for scholarships and that seems crazy to me but ill take all the help I can get!
Wish me luck!